Agile and Lean Development of Software Intensive Products, 7.5 credits

Agile and Lean Development of Software Intensive Products, 7.5 credits

All Courses Processes and Methods for Development of Software Intensive Systems

The course gives an overall perspective of agile and lean development in a software-developing organization. Agile methods in project organisations constitute only one step towards the realization of an adaptable, quick and efficient product development organization. By adapting lean principles (the origin of agile methods) in the entire product development chain, from product management and requirements engineering to delivery and support, true flexibility and efficiency can be achieved without sub-optimization.

Responsible: Blekinge Institute of Technology (Torbjörn Fridensköld)

Course contents:

The course consists of five components:

  1. Introduction to Agile and Lean
  2. Framework for Agile and Lean
  3. Evaluation of Agile and Lean
  4. Implementation of Agile and Lean
  5. Agile and Lean in large-scale development

Learning Outcomes: The student should after course completion be able to:

  • Be able to describe basics concepts and goals, common practices, and tools as Agile enablers and constraints.
  • Be able to thoroughly explain various Agile frameworks, their differences, similarities, advantages, and disadvantages.
  • Be able to build a value stream mapping based on a chosen process within an operation.
  • Be able to apply agile principles in detail and make an evaluation of how they relate to a business.
  • Be able to plan and execute agile work using agile steps and tools.
  • Be able to critically review an agile process using agile literature and thereby explain differences between different approaches.
  • Be able to apply a value stream mapping on a chosen process within an operation.
  • Provide a general explanation that justifies Agile and Lean development of a business.

More info:

  • Course title in Swedish: Agile och Lean utveckling av mjukvaruintensiva produkter
  • Course code: PA2580 (at BTH), BTH-D5837 (at or
  • Autumn 2021 instance at Blekinge Institute of Technology
  • Admission requirements: At least 90 credits within a technical subject containing a completed course of at least 7.5 credits in Software Engineering or a Team Software Engineering Project, and at least 30 credits in one or more of the following areas Programming, Object-oriented Systems, Software Design, Data Structures and Algorithms, Database Technology, Data Communications, Real Time Systems, Operating System.
    At least 90 credits within technology and a minimum of 2 years professional experience in software development (shown by, for example, a work certificate from an employer).